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Our philosophy

Our heritage is our identity. Our traditional crafts our path to freedom, dignity and sustainability. At Paramparik Karigar , we strive to seek out our ancient arts , crafts and textiles. We then work to nurture them , work with the karigars to try and make the occupation in this sector sustainable, help with knowledge- dispensation to help inter- generational spread of this skill and knowledge and help spread awareness of these crafts among the general public. When a craft survives, our unique identity as a people grows stronger. That is our final goal.

Our History

Paramparik Karigar was born out of a dream and a desire. It was the 1980s and traditional Indian arts, crafts and weaves were already in danger of disappearing- dying art forms, exploitative middlemen, decline of interest and awareness about these ancient crafts, steady loss of next generation craftspeople to alternative employments. The redoubtable Roshan Kalapesi and Kamala Devi Chattopadya, both supporters and admirers of traditional crafts, acceded to the request of a small group of craftsmen and thus in 1996 was formed the Paramparik Karigar.

Our Aims & Objectives
  • Preserve and promote traditional art and craft of India.
  • Raise awareness and understanding of craft so that works of mastercraftsmen are recognized as art forms.
  • Assist craftsmen in improving their skills by conducting technical, design and marketing workshops.
  • Ensure sustainability of craft by conducting workshops for children of craftsmen and others in the community..
  • Spread awareness of craft through various means including workshops, lectures and seminars.
  • Provide the opportunity to craftsmen from all over the country to bring their craft to the discerning public
    through exhibitions.
  • Maintain quality in craft produced by member craftsmen.

What We Do

We organize exhibitions, where craftsmen from every corner of the country get an opportunity to express and display their skills. These events serve as a space for the craft lover and the artisan to interact. Paramparik Karigar has had exhibitions in Bombay, Kolkata, Jamshedpur and workshops in Bangalore, Orissa, Chennai, Munnar and Kutch. Our Karigars attend design workshops in many institutions including the National Institute of Design and they participate in international craft residences which often lead to knowledge exchange and innovative designs.